Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Have I ever told you how much I like shiny things? Shiny and silver really does it for me. Those who know me know that I'm a sucker for anything green. If you're trying to sell me something, make it green and I'll consider it. Try to sell me the Golden Gate Bridge and no deal. But the Vincent Thomas Bridge? Even though it's smaller and less spectacular than its big sister to the north, the Vincent Thomas is green, people. Get me a pen, I'm writing out a check for that baby.

Oh, but make it silver and shiny and I am sold. I've been wanting a Mac forever. Ask my Dad. He's been telling me to get a Mac since college. I grew up with the good old Apple IIc. And though we've come leaps and bounds since the IIc, I'm still enthralled with the idea of a Mac. I won't even consider the plain old black or white mac books. It's gotten worse since I've been reading up on Garage Band and those pesky ipod commercials aren't helping either. But really, I am in serious need of an upgrade. This is no lie: my current laptop has a 2-gig harddrive. I've got a smokin' 56k modem on that baby and even if I were patient enough with downloading off of i tunes I don't have enough storage left to even fill up my shuffle.

There was a point in my life where I was like, I'll just go with PC's because it's easier to go with the flow. Less hassle. But really. All the cool people use Macs. They just work. Yes, I'm quoting. But I was talking to someone and she was like, yeah it really does just work.

I want a Mac. Sigh.

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