Sunday, March 30, 2008


Tonight we met with the director of our big performance, Jael. I've never worked with anything like a seperate director before (artistic direction for me has always come from within the group of people who are performing), so it was really interesting to me to see the process. He came in with fresh eyes and asked the important questions like, why are the characters doing that? How does that work with the story of the piece. Sometimes when you work hard on something, it's a little difficult to hear questions like that, but I think overall it's a good thing. This really is an important learning process for me.

I have so much to practice. Every time we run something I make mental notes to myself like, you have to work on this, and you have to work on that. I am so going to be making best friends with my metronome, and I need to stand in front of the mirror. But I think I am making a lot of progress. Everything is a lesson to me, and that is really wonderful. I mean if I just think of where I was a couple of years ago, then it becomes obvious that I've come a long way, but the further I come, the more I realize how much there is to learn, and how much harder I'd really like to work. It's these times when we are working really hard on things that I think I really grow the most. Lots of growing. That's my goal.

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