Friday, September 01, 2006


Feeling very random today again, so I'll just make a list.

1. Three day weekend, yo. I'm going to do the Shidara workshops at E'ville. I'll be sling drummin' and dancing away. I took the dance workshop on purpose because I suck at dancing and movement, so it will be good. I took a movement workshop once with Michelle Fujii and the only thing I really remember from it is that it looks good when your knees are bent so that your legs look like the hiragana letter for 'ku' (kind of looks like the less than or greater than sign, for all you mathematicians out there).

2. Go get yourself Trilok Gurtu & Frikyiwa Family's album Farakala. I can't stop listening to it. Really. I got it over a week ago, and it's been playing non-stop on my ipod. Track 9 is wonderful. And track 5 will make you cry. Actually listening to track 5 feels as good as it does after you've had a good cry. Beautiful. I can't believe you're still sitting here reading this when you could be looking for that album somewhere! Sorry, I lent mine out. Actually, I thrust it upon a friend of mine and said Listen to it! You've got to listen to this!

3. School show in mid-September. If anyone can download a couple of solos into my brain it would be much appreciated. Otherwise I'm working on desk-solos until then. Should be fun.

4. Benefit concert gig on October 1st. Again, looking for downloads. What's harder: playing for a room full of children who are there for the sole reason of seeing you play, or playing for adults who aren't necessarily there to hear you play, but with more pressure to perform better?

5. I thought I had a number 5, but I guess I don't. Have a good weekend everybody.

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