Monday, May 03, 2010

Yay for Dads!

I've been waiting something like 6 months to buy a couch. It was waiting very patiently at Ikea, just sitting there on the shelf waiting for me to come along and take it home. I had the money saved up and the space eked out (actually, I have no furniture except for one chair and a coffee table). Only problem was, it didn't fit in my faithful jeep, Yaku. I even went to Ikea beforehand just to measure the box. I knew that what I would need was strategy and good knot technique and a little brute force. What I needed was: my Dad!

And then this weekend, out of the blue, he came up for something of a surprise visit. What a great opportunity! So I whisked him away with me to Ikea. We parked directly in the pick-up and loading zone and then took a short cut through the check out lines, totally bypassed that hellish maze of the interior part of Ikea, and walked up straight to aisle 2, bin 52, which is where my couch was waiting. I am my father's daughter. We both know exactly what we want and where to get it and when the best opportunity is, even if we have to wait. And wait I have!

When we got to the loading zone, my Dad was eating one of those Ikea ice-cream cones, and he just walked up to one of the employees who was shorter than me but twice as wide and built like a Sumo wrestler. My Dad asked if he could help us get it on the roof, and was all ready to help him, but he singlehandedly picked up the box and hefted it onto my car! Wow! That guy was unbelievable. My Dad even tried to slip him a tip, but he refused. Kudos to Ikea employees!! They're the best! Or that one was, anyway. Thank you Sumo-guy!

And then it was just a matter of roping the thing down, my Dad's specialty:
The guy knows his knots, that's for sure. Zip, zap, zing and in no time, I was home with my couch. And yes, because it was Ikea it came in about 30 million pieces, but I put it all together and yay! Now I have a couch! Yay for Dads!

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