Saturday, August 15, 2009


Today was an African Violet re-potting day. Every time I repot my violets, I end up with exponentially more than I did before I repotted them. These things have a way of reproducing themselves. I am very happy to say that almost all my violets descended down from the violets that my Mom left behind. Sadly, I have lost a couple of her violets to either old age or disease or both. But I am even more thrilled to witness their phoenix-like ways of reproducing themselves. You can literally take a leaf, pluck it from a plant, stick it in soil, and have one or more plants some time later. Patience is key, and they need little else but some sun, water and a little love. I say that's incredibly easy.  And woah, that's why I have a zillion plants (the ones in the picture above are just the ones in my home office--I have more at work and in the kitchen--any where there is sunlight!). If you count carefully, there are 21 pots of violets in that picture alone (and one determined Christmas cactus)!!!

I'm going to give one away and hope to find more people to give them to. I gave one to Janet on her birthday a few months ago and she sent me a picture of it in bloom. So yo, if I know you and you know me, let me know if you want a violet and I'll get one to ya!

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