Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I LOVE the Olympics!

Yes, I love watching the Olympics, but boy is the jet lag getting me down. I love the drama and the visceral emotion of the games. I love rooting for the underdogs and cheering on who we hope is going to win, and the horrible, sore, disappointment we feel when our heroes don't deliver. I hate going to my internet homepage and seeing the results before they're actually aired on late night TV--talk about skipping to the end of a book. I've taken to eating dinner at 11 at night and staying up just a little bit longer to watch the results. This makes it really hard to wake up in the morning and function during the late afternoon stretch. Last weekend I was glued to the Women's Marathon. The Marathon, people! That's got to be the least of leastest action-packed events. But as a long-distance runner can you blame me for being glued to the screen as the commentators pour over every last bit of emotional detail that could possibly be going through the mind of someone whose event lasts two and a half hours, as opposed to, say, a diver, whose event lasts something like one one-billionth of a second? I like the mumbly sound of commentators and the roar of the crowd going off as I take a moment to do something normal like fold my clothes or wash the dishes. Thank goodness for the instant replay.

Oh, I'll be so sad when the games are over.

But hey, there's always football!

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