Sunday, November 04, 2007

Full Day

Woke up today after the CIA gig with the most horrible back-ache. I couldn't even bend over to put my socks and shoes on, but managed to make it to our gig in Berkeley. It was a good show. There were lots of children and adults in the audience. I talked, people! I led the group in kiai and managed to say everything I rehearsed in my mind, even though I was totally out of breath from our last song. I had to stop a couple times to gulp air. But I think I did ok! We got the audience kiai-ing and I led them in a kiai contest. Fun.

Then afterward I had enough time to go home, eat and shower before heading off to Emeryville Taiko's 10th Anniversary Concert. I realized halfway through the show that I'd never actually seen Emeryville perform--I'd always been part of their shows. They've really polished up some of their pieces since I've been gone, and added some I've never seen. They've got a wonderful procession song with lit nebuta and a dozen fue players and chappa players and okedo players. It was arm-hair raising, that procession. They've got great players and I was excited to see how far some of have come since I'd last seen them as beginners. They also performed a version of Kai to Ryu and though there were hiccups here and there, there was no train wreck. Wonderful. And of course they're super genki. That's something I take pride in, being a former Etaiko player myself. It was a great show. Great entertainment.

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